Beacon BioPharm Associates LLC

Beacon BioPharm Associates LLC provides our supply chain consulting clients with more than 35 years’ experience in the biopharmaceutical industry, covering small to large companies from both the innovator and vendor perspective. We deliver an in-depth understanding of biopharmaceutical development, commercialization and innovative supply chain strategies.

Processes and Systems

Strategic Program Management

Clinical Supply Strategy and Execution

Michelle Friedman, B.S.

Principal Consultant, Co-Founder

Phone: 949-734-0447 



Paul Hingst, B.S. MBA

Principal Consultant, Co-Founder

Phone: 805-651-3981 



Clinical Supply Chain Consultants, Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Consultant, BioPharm BioPharma supply chain management, IVRS, Interactive Voice Response Technology, IWRS, Interactive Web Response Technology, IxRS, IXRS, TMF, Trial Master File, Supply chain solutions, deviations, investigations, CAPA, Corrective Action Preventative Action, Import License, CITES permit, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, US Fish and Wildlife, FWS, Import, Export